How To Protect Your Rental Property In Scranton
Whether you’re renting out your parents' old condo or you are a real estate investor with an array of investment properties, you are aware of how difficult it can be to protect a rental property in Scranton. If vacant, your unit may be a prime target for a burglar or vandal. In the event you have renters, you also must keeping your tenants secure.
From 24/7 monitoring to smart devices, here are several proven methods to make sure you’re fully protecting your Scranton rental property.
Defend Your Rentals With Home Security Monitoring
One of the best deterrents against criminal activity at your rental is installing a monitored security system. Your renters will rest easier when they feel protected against prowlers, primarily when Scranton is somewhere they’ve never visited before. In the event a robber tries to enter, your security system will notify your 24/7 ADT monitoring team while the high-decibel alarm alerts your visitors or tenants. You even have the ability to get smartphone notifications in the event a connected security camera spots a lurker.

Smart Locks Simplify Security With New Renters
If a tenant moves out, sometimes it's a mystery to know if they will be away forever. If they took or copied a key, then they could possibly to regain entry. To combat this problem, you can change the locks after each renter or have smart locks installed that integrate with your home security system. By using smart locks, you can give each renter a custom code that can deactivate when the lease ends. If past occupants return and attempt to use their outdated code, you will receive a notification on your phone.
Automation Protects Your Rental Property In Scranton -- Even When You’re Not Home
When you invest in a rental or vacation property in Scranton, you also have to secure the house when it’s not occupied. An effective way to do that is to give an impression that that people are present. By integrating your advanced home security with automated features like interior and exterior lights, audio systems, and thermostats, your place will always appear occupied. Program the lights to activate at different times of the night and let some music play for a while, and a potential burglar will second-guess their intentions. With the proper home security, you can set schedules through a simple smartphone interface.
Protecting Your Rental Property In Scranton Starts With A Custom Home Security Package
The advantages of a home security system for rental owners are numerous: smart locks, automation, and monitoring are only the beginning. Reach out to Secure24 Alarm Systems and our experts will assist you in creating an ADT package that is perfect for your property. Call (570) 217-8895 or submit our online form to request service.